Pakistan Parliament will be deployed cats neighboring country has made a record in raising donkeys

Pakistan Parliament will be deployed cats neighboring country has made a record in raising donkeys

Pakistan Parliament: The new government of Pakistan has been facing a serious economic crisis for the last several months. In such a situation, Pakistan has to beg repeatedly in front of China, Saudi Arabia and IMF. Along with this, the political instability of Pakistan is not coming to an end. Inflation has increased so much in Jinnah’s country that people are facing problems even in getting two meals a day. On the other hand, Pakistan has made a record increase in the number of donkeys. Apart from this, Pakistan is now planning to deploy a cat in its parliament at a cost of 12 lakhs. Here we understand why the poor Pakistan is going to spend 12 lakhs on cats.

Pakistani media reported that in an unusual step, the government of Pakistan will deploy cats in the Parliament. Because the number of rats inside the Parliament has increased and they are causing a lot of damage. Cats will be deployed in the Parliament to deal with these rats, a budget of 12 lakhs has been set for this. The decision to deploy cats in the Parliament has been taken by the Capital Development Authority of Pakistan. Along with this, it has been decided to install a special type of mousetrap, so that the entry of rats in sensitive areas can be prevented.

Pakistan exports donkeys to China
Secondly, Pakistan is also known for the number of donkeys. At present, Pakistan is in third place in terms of donkey rearing, while its friend China is in first place. In the Economic Survey of 2023-24 in Pakistan, it has been told that there are 59 lakh donkeys inside the country. In the earlier years, there were not so many donkeys inside Pakistan. According to a report by Dawn, China imports donkeys from Pakistan. According to the report, Pakistan exports an average of 5 lakh donkeys to China every year. Despite this, there is a lot of donkeys inside Pakistan. The report states that due to the continuous heavy demand from China, the number of donkeys is increasing in Pakistan.

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